Protector II: The Aftermath
A Fanfic by Lil_Prancer
*Two years have passed
since the War Of Innocence. It is bittersweet for the Thermians, as
they don't have Sarris on their tail anymore,but neither do they have
a home. (their home planet, Theramin, *still sounds like BettaMin
mixed with TheraFlu!* was blown up by Sarris and the Fatu-Krey*weird
name, huh?*during the War Of Innocence.) Their only hope for a planet
to find another
planet(like they were doing in the first place!), or by some chance,
find a piece of their old planet. Let's look closer and see what
they're doing.(and hope that they don't get into anymore scrapes!)*
Chapter 1: A New Home?
Everything was going well on the Protector
II. Sarris was no more, and the Fatu-Krey were too scared to
bother the Thermians anymore(or were they?). So Teb flew the ship to
the spaceport so they could fix it. The Thermians got to work. Teb
& Lank were especially busy. "The hull is a little
cracked, so I will need some putty." said Lank. Teb handed him
the putty, saying, "Here you go. What cracked it?" Lank
replied, "I believe when the Falcon exploded, that one of
the pieces came flying at our ship and it cracked & burned it.
That is probably how Sarris escaped into our ship. Anyhow, do you
think we ought to consult the Commander about scouting out a new
planet?" Teb replied, "Yes. I miss our home planet badly.
But, we'd have to make sure that Lilt will not push any buttons on our
scouting. He's notorious for doing that." It was true. Lilt
Kaplan, being 5 yrs. of age and VERY energetic, was notorious
for pushing the buttons on the Protector II.
"LUNCHTIME!!!!" yelled
Katiana from the ship. Hearing this, Teb's head shot up and he said,
"Let's go! It's LUNCHTIME!!!" Lank shook his
head and smiled. Teb was always thinking about food. So they went in
to lunch. While they were eating, Lilt saw something that he liked. He
then thought, "Maybe if I can come out of my costume a little, I
can get that item." And so he did come out of his costume. Lith,
Lilt's older twin, stifled a giggle. But before he could get the item,
Mathesar spotted him. "I saw that." was all he said. Lilt
got back in his costume. Everybody laughed. After lunch, the ship was
fixed. So they all went into the ship. Teb had already talked with
Cmdr. Karinkma(that's Mathesar's last name) on the idea of looking for
a new planet. They had just found a possible candidate for settling
on, when Lilt decided he would push a green button. And yet again,
Mathesar spotted him. And yet again.... he said, "I saw
that." So Lilt didn't push the button.
After that, they all went into the pod.
Katiana was staring out the window, Teb was writing down technical
stuff, Neru & Lank, the twins, were falling asleep, and Mathesar,
well, I'll say this, he was playing casual like he usually did when he
was nervous. Then they heard the whoosh of the airlock
decompressing, and they all went outside. Then, they heard a strange
noise. An extremely strange noise. And then, a voice. "Hellooooooo
out there. Anyone heeeeeeeeere?" is what it said. Teb jumped.
Neru looked around, while Lank walked to the pod and fell asleep.
Mathesar wasn't too ready to confront whatever it was, but he stepped
forward. Katiana just stood and stared. And then, it stepped
Chapter 2- Animals From The Past
It was a horse! Lank was still
asleep, so Teb went out to confront it(and maybe catch it). The
"horse" sprinted away, and it suddenly hit them that the
"horse" was not a horse. "What was
that?" asked Lilt. "It was an Equus hopperus,"
Quellek replied(it turned out that Quellek got captured in the Digital
Conveyor room and he fell on a button that projected a hologram of
himself, and it was the hologram that got shot.), "Or, the common
name is Ponyhopper. I'm wondering if the captured Ponyhoppers escaped
off the Falcon the same way Sarris did when it exploded, as the
species used to exist on Theramin." "How could they escape?
They would certainly disappear, due to the lack of air in space!"
Lilt replied. "The Ponyhoppers could have leaped to the planet,
considering their speed and strength.", Quellek answered. He was
now Chief of Livestock Security and Specimens.
Lilt grinned. It was the first time he
had seen a ponyhopper. "Can we catch one?" asked Lith.
Quellek then replied, "It is
difficult to, but not impossible".
Just then, Lank woke up. He sleepily
asked "What is going on?". Quellek told him.
Suddenly, Lank spotted a tree. He had
tested that tree for edibility, and it was positive.
So, he ate some of the fruit, when
suddenly, he started flying! And then, while in the air, he flipped
upside down!
He screeched and screeched in surprise.
Everyone turned to look.
"Well, that is part of my list of
strange food items," said Quellek.
The Thermians were silent.
"Well, then," said Mathesar,
"we can now explore this planet we landed on."
Everyone got ready to explore, but
then, disaster struck!
Chapter 3-Surprises, Surprises
A fuzzy animal with eight legs ran at
them! He growled and hissed, and then more and more and
MORE of them appeared, making a
They all ran, right when a few
ponyhoppers ran in front of them. They jumped on the ponyhoppers and
rode to safety.
"What WERE those animals?"
asked a very frightened Katiana. "They are arachnus
spillerus, also known as Spillers," Quellek said,
"and they are very vicious."
"Well, I am pleased that they are
gone now," said Teb, "so that we can explore in peace."
Suddenly they heard two voices in
unison. They said, "Look! Maybe they can help us!"
All the Thermians turned around. They
looked at the two girls staring at them.
Mathesar stared back. "Identify
He did not mean it in a cruel way, he
was just copying the protocol of the Galaxy Quest "historical
The pair grinned. "Okie dokie,
Cmdr. M, we'll show our ID."
One was wearing a shirt with a horse on
it. The other was wearing a jade green, long sleeved shirt.
"I'm Pony," said the girl
with the green shirt, "and this is Taie. We were riding our
American Ponyhoppers and we got beamed up by a spaceship. This weird
green dude told us to hand over Fly By Night and Anything But
Ordinary, our ponyhoppers. We refused, of course, and he took us here.
He demanded that we catch some ponyhoppers to give him."
Mathesar was alarmed. "What did he
look like?"
The two replied, "Like a weird
The Thermian commander stood up,
vindicated. "Taika! I knew it! He IS tracking us!"
He then explained about what he just
Chapter 4-Taika, Twin of Sarris
And so, Cmdr. Karinkma began on the
"Tada Taika is Sarris' twin. He is
just like Sarris, yet a little less cunning.
He is angry over Sarris going,-as you
humans say-,kapoot.
And until last year, no one had known
of him or his plans."
Pony interrupted. "So, in our
words, you would say he has it in for ya'll?"
Mathesar looked a little annoyed at
being interrupted, but he answered her question.
"Yes. He has it in for us."
Pony frowned and wrinkled her nose.
"Yuck. What a leadhead! And asking peeps they don't know for a
pair of ponyhoppers? What is that?!"
-"A leadhead? What is that?"
--"Oops, sorry, it's my little
word for mean people."
Teb spoke up. "Exactly! You speak
the truth!"
Then they heard a loud voice. "WHERE
Pony shivered. "Uh-oh! Like, we're
in the doghouse BIG time!"
The group fell silent. Teb was sticking
his ear up to the rocks to see which direction the sound was coming
from, Lank, (as usual) was sleeping, Lith was curled up in a ball, and
Katiana was holding her breath.
Suddenly, Lith kicked a rock. It opened
a entrance, which led you into a tunnel.
They all went through the tunnel, when
suddenly they ended up in a cave and heard Mathesar gasp....
Chapter 5-An Amazing Discovery
Teb jumped. He had heard the Cmdr. gasp
and seen his left hand shake.
"What is wrong, Commander?"
he asked.
Mathesar was slow to reply, but he said
in a shaky voice, "S-see that...that..that book on the
He then gently picked it up off the
floor, and blew the dust off of it.
The cover inlet had the pic of a
ponyhopper, and inside the cover there was a hand-written
It read(in Thermian):
Teb gasped. Pony asked, "Is this a
journal from your youth?"
Mathesar nodded. Suddenly, a round
locket slipped from the pages! Pony gasped, then peeked inside. It
held a pic of a male & female Thermian, who Pony guessed were
Mathesar's parents, and someone else, who looked like Mathesar, except
for he had blue eyes.
Taie asked, "Is that a TWIN I
Mathesar nodded. "We were
separated a long time ago by Sarris. I escaped, so did he; yet I do
not where he is."
He clipped the locket to his collar.
A voice rang out. "General!!
They're here!!!"
From then on, things went haywire.
Chapter 6-Realization &
The Thermians all darted in a room of
the cave. Pony nervously asked, "What'll happen if they catch
Teb answered, "I do not know and I
do not want to know."
Suddenly, Lith disappeared!! "A
secret tunnel!!!" yelped Pony. They all escaped down the tunnel.
When they got out, they found Taika,
who captured them all.
"Hah!!! Try that again, but you
won't get away now!!!"
Mathesar glared at him. "And who
speaks this nonsense?"
Taika merely replied, "I do."
Pony whispered to Taie, "It's go
time." She uncoiled some rope and lassoed Taika.
"You two won't get away with
this!!!!" he yelled.
They all ran back to the shuttle,
hoping that Taika would not work free and chase them.
Meanwhile, on Earth, the cast of The
New Adventures of Galaxy Quest were waiting for Jason Nesmith, who
was being late as usual. "Golly," said Gwen, "I hope
his car didn't break down."
"Naaaaa.. he's just
usual," said Tommy. Fred had nothing to say, because he was busy
cramming a tuna fish sandwich in his mouth. Laliari was also eating
Alex sighed. "When is that guy
going to chug up here?"
But Gwen's suspicions were right.
Jason's car had indeed broken down. "Dang it. I wish I
could have the Thermians' Omega 13 right now, cuz if I hadn't passed
the gas station.....well, just dang it!!!" He then started to
wonder how the Thermians might be doing right now. "Didn't Teb
say that they were all that was left? Does this mean they are almost
homeless now? And why didn't we think of orbiting the earth to enter
it together?" he thought curiously.
The tow truck fi-nal-ly came, and
interrupted his thoughts.
Chapter 7-Emergency Meeting!!!
Meanwhile, back on the ship, the
Thermians all were in the conference room. Mathesar had arranged an
emergency meeting.
Teb had thought of something. "Can
we just fight Taika off? He is a chicken, as the American humans
Mathesar sighed. "We will
Pony was whispering to Taie about
something that nearly made her roll on the floor, laughing.
"Remember when we were walking
through the hallway to the conference room? Well, I saw this Thermian
lady walking behind Mathesar and batting her lashes at him!!! I think
she's sweet on him.
I can't tell if Mathesar liked it or
not, cuz she was right behind him where he couldn't
Taie cracked up. "Oh no, someone's
got a groupie!!!!"
Unfortunately, the lady was right
there, listening. The girls had not seen her.
She turned to face the two. "I
heard that!!!"
Pony & Taie whirled around. Taie
said nervously, "I think we'd better go."
"Uh-huh, I think so, too,"
said the lady.
Pony & Taie trotted off. The lady,
who's name was Kikandra, faced Mathesar, giggling.
"Well, Mathie, what is your plan
of action?" She batted her lashes.
Pony giggled. "Poor guy!!! That
nickname is awfully embarrasing!!!"
Mathesar looked annoyed. "We are
going to avoid Taika as much as we can, and only fight if we
"Oh, my!!!! Good plan," said
Kikandra, still smirking.
"And please do not call me that
nickname!!" said the Thermian commander, quite embarrased &
"What, nickname, Mathie?"
asked Kikandra.
"You just said it."
But the squabble was broken by a
torpedo blast to the ship!!!!
Chapter 8-A Call For Help
All the Thermians jumped. "Torpedo
alert," intoned the computer.
Mathesar was in full Commander mode
now. "Raise the command deck," he shouted, "and see
what is the matter."
In a few minutes, the command deck was
raised and the viewscreen on.
"Your message to be sent,
sir?" asked the messenger, whose name was Kapin.
Mathesar replied, "Who are you?
Identify yourself!"
But he thought to himself, "I
think I know who it is. Just have to make sure."
Meanwhile, on the Falcon 2, the
Fatu-Krey messenger had received the message that Kapin sent.
"General," said Kanrie, the
messenger, "I have received a message from the Protector II. Your
suspicions are right."
Taika, who was busy writing a warning
message to Taggart(not knowing which one was Cmdr. on the Protector
II), asked, "What does the message say?"
"It asks, sir, who we are and also
asks of us to identify ourselves," replied Kanrie.
"And which suspicions of mine are
correct?" asked Taika.
"Lt. Cmdr. Mathesar Karinkima of
the Thermians, that escape artist who always escaped out of you
brother's brig, is now Commander of the Thermians," Kanrie
"I knew it!!!" shouted Taika.
"Tell him he KNOWS who we are."
Mathesar, on receiving Taika's reply,
sighed. "Yes," he said, "this confirms it. Taika wants
revenge. However, that is stupidity, as he knows he's a coward."
"Kapin, tell him this: We are
going to have a little chat on Zeta frequency."
"Yes, sir," said Kapin.
"And please consult Cmdr. Taggart
via Interstellar Vox."
"Yes, sir."
Chapter 9: Late Again
Jason had just gotten to the GQ Con,
and albeit he was infamous for being late, he was in a bad mood. Tommy
saw him walk into the door, and groaned. "Can it get any later
than this?" he asked.
Guy, however, could tell that something
other than Jason's reputation had made him late.
"Tommy, he doesn't look too
psyched. Don't crush his gig."
"What happened," Gwen asked,
"with you?"
Jason sighed. "I had to get my car
towed to the gas station because it ran out of juice."
"Ouch!" said Fred. "Did
you bring any snacks back?"
Lailari shushed him on this.
"Quiet!!! His car broke down!!!"
Jason sat down. He stared at the Vox
that the Thermians gave him.
"You ever wondered what happened
to them?" asked Jason.
"Happened to WHOM?" Alex
"The Thermians on the Protector
II. They would keep contact with their heroes, wouldn't they?
And....they said they were all that is left. What does that
Lailari sighed. "I can answer one
of your questions. My old planet was blown up by the evil Sarris. My
people are homeless now, unless you count the Protector II as a
"Huh," said Tommy.
"That's purty sad.
But what answered all of Jason's
questions was a tone from the Thermian Vox Communicator!!!!!
Chapter 10: The Transmission
Mathesar was frequently punching a
button on his Vox, trying to contact Jason. The vox was fuzzy sounding
and messing up, and therefore, he was also hissing and squawking at
it. First, it was a muttering of annoyance, rather like,
"Hi-hi-hi!!!!!!!!! Stop stop stop!!!"
Then, it became a yelp of being ticky.
"Hiya-hiya-hiya-hiya!" (Hiya means "stop up" in
Thermian. It is the Thermian equivalent of "Shut up".)
And soon.....well, it became a cry of
true Thermian frustration. Sometimes Thermians can be quite patient.
Unfortunately, this was not one those times. "Hiyate!!!!!!!!!!!!"
he yelped. Uh-oh. If you thought the word hiya was pretty bad for a
Thermian, guess what? Hiyate is worse. It basically
means....."Stop it right now!!!!"
Finally, he got through.
"Commander Taggart? Are you there?"
Back on Earth, Jason was listening in
the vox. He spoke in a rush. "Mathesar?! Is that you? What's
Mathesar was quick to reply. "Yes,
this is Cmdr. Mathesar Karinkima of the Thermians speaking. I must
enlist your help. We are being tracked and followed by Tada Taika,
twin brother of Sarris. He is cognizant of the fact that Sarris was
our enemy. He also knows of you and your crew."
Jason looked confused. "Wha-at?
Sarris had a twin? Why didn't you tell me?"
Mathesar replied, "Yes, he had a
twin. The reason is that we never truly knew. Well, my twin said he
Jason gasped. "Mathesar! You have
a twin, too?"
"Yes sir-OH NO!!!!!"
The transmission stopped.
Chapter 11: The Negotiation
Mathesar was cut off by Taika, who had
just come up on zeta frequency.
Calling his crew, the Thermian
commander trotted to the viewscreen. "I see you have
responded," said he, "and I am not going to let you try to
harm me and/or my people."
"Ha!" scoffed Taika. "So
the escape artist thinks he is commander now, huh?"
Mathesar glared. "I am a commander
no less than you are a general. AND I did not nominate myself. Cmdr.
Taggart did. Watch what you say."
"Cmdr. Taggart?" The alien
general laughed. "What makes you think he is a commander?"
Pony glared. "The historical
documents, of course!!!!!!!" She knew that it was only a show,
but she stood up for her new friends. Taie rolled her eyes.
"What I want to know now,
Karinkima, is what you are up to. This was supposed to be an
negotiation, so, negotiate," Taika snapped.
Mathesar replied, "Very well.
First, why are you tracking us? Next of all, why did you torpedo our
ship? We have not fired on you."
Taie interrupted. "And last of
all, why on earth do you have a GIRL's name?"
Pony giggled, but she poked Taie in the
ribs as to say, "They're negotiating! Don't interrupt!"
Taika growled, "First, you are all
at fault of the fact that my brother is gone. And, my brother seemed
to dislike you, soooo there! Next, it was to get your attention."
Then, pointing a glare at Pony & Taie, he said, "And lastly,
I DON'T have a girl's name!!"
Taika then made a statement. "Karinkima,
you do not know what you are getting into."
Mathesar stiffened. "Do not call
me by my last name. If you do, call me Commander Karinkima. But please
just call me Commander."
Taika smirked. "All right,
Com-man-der, then listen: These are kinder negotiations than usual. I
demand three things: that I get the last word, I get a confession of
the fact that you, Karinkima, called Cmdr. Taggart as part of a
rebellion, and that....I get the Omega 13. Follow these EXACTLY, or
He then flickered on the viewscreen,
and disappeared.
Chapter 12: A Little Bit of Guidance
They all were silent.
"Hmph!" muttered Kikandra.
"My Mathie did not start a rebellion. He just got help,
because you-know-who was terrorizing us."
Mathesar was not too pleased with
Kikandra's dubbing him of the nickname "Mathie", but, oh
well, she was right.
Teb asked, "What do we do
"Well, I must recontact Cmdr.
Taggart," said Mathesar, "and ask that he help me with this
"And," he added, "we
must get to our new planet as soon as possible. I am cognizant of the
fact that our new homeland, and the wildlife that lives there could be
in danger."
Teb grinned. "Alright, then, let's
Later, Mathesar, Teb, Pony, Taie,
Quellek, Cadia(a medic), & Lahnk boarded the shuttle.
Katiana, Kikandra, Neru, Kapin,
Lithian(Lith for short), Liltian & the rest of the Thermians
stayed on the ship.
Mathesar sent Jason a Vox Communicator
signal. Jason picked up almost immediately. "Hello....Mathesar?
Is that you?"
"Yes, it is me. Would you and your
crew help us out?"
"Yes, I'll get them on the
Soon the shuttle landed, and everyone
got out.
Suddenly, Cadia gasped. "Look! It
seems that we are on a fragment of the planet Theramin!!"
It was a happy sight. But they had to
keep on moving.
Jason, over the vox, asked Mathesar,
"Would you brief me a little more on ya'll's mission?"
"Okay. I have learned from Taika
that he demands the last word in everything, that I confess to
starting a "rebellion" when I merely got help to save myself
& my people from Sarris, and that I give him the Omega 13. I am in
danger. Taika thinks I am the one who killed Sarris. That I am the one
that had him go, to not return to fight another day. I am not the one
who did that. I believe it was you."
Jason replied, "No, you're not the
one who did that. I did. And Sarris endangered you and your crew. So
what do you need?"
Mathesar sighed again. "I need to
know what to do about this new demand."
Chapter 13: Demands & Building
Whatever was going on at the time of
settling, settling did occur. A new spaceport was built to land the Protector
II. All the Thermians were on the new planet, and they built
houses to live in.
The first Thermian military base was
built, quite near the Ponyia River, or the Ponyhopper River,
which runs through woods where ponyhoppers live. More negotiations,
though, were to come.
One day, one of those negotiations
Mathesar was sitting up at the command
deck of the Protector II.
He was waiting impatiently for Taika to
pop up on the screen. He had just raised him on zeta frequency.
Finally, Taika did pop up. "Hah!" he scoffed.
"So have you followed my demands? I will be hoping so."
Mathesar glared. "For your
information, the Omega 13 is too securely molded into the ship. Also,
I did not start a rebellion against Sarris' empire. I merely
got help for the safety of myself and my people. And lastly, you
shan't get the last word. will not be good."
"Listen, Karinkima," said
Taika, "listen. Those were my demands, I expect them to be
Mathesar just glared.
Taika then turned off his viewscreen.
Chapter 14: The Planet is Settled
Time did fly on the planet
Thermia. The planet was settled quite quickly, and soon the Thermians
were having their meetings in the military base.
It was almost perfect. Pony & Taie,
along with their parents, went to the Ponyia River to fish. And, as
always, they had some "fish stories" to tell. And also as
always, they told them AWAY from the Thermians, lest they actually believe
On one particular day, everybody was
rounding up ponyhoppers. Pony & Taie rode on Fly By Night &
Anything But Ordinary, and caught a spirited, strong-willed black
stallion & a bay mare.
The two decided on Obsidian &
They started training the two to be
good fighting & riding mounts, although Obsidian was quite
difficult to ride.
The day was wonderful, and no one
suspected that ANYTHING could happen. It was so peaceful, and albeit
Taika's threats, surely he had not guessed where they were!!!!
But as the shimmer & gold of the
afternoon turned into the diamond & silver of dusk, and the gentle
spring rains on Thermia turned into a strong storm of fury, 5 men were
on the banks of the Ponyia river, unknown to the Thermians. They were
Fatu-Krey, with Taika as their leader.
No one was on guard.
And no one was prepared for what
happened. No one.
Chapter 15: A Near-Deadly Mistake
Taika, with his men, were there to spy
and spring a surprise attack!!!!!
Cailen, the 1st lieutenant, said,
"Sir! They are not on guard. But let us wait til morning, as the
storm will truly complicate matters."
Taika snorted. "The rain? That
shan't stop us. This is perfect!!!!! They have a guard, but they'll
never guess."
Falior, the 2nd lieutenant, looked
nervous. "Sir, I beg your pardon, but we may drown!!! The river
is rising by the minute!!!!! By the second!!!! And they may attack us,
if this backfires!!!!! Thermians are squidoids, and they swim well. We
do not."
Taika smirked. "We'll see about
Both lieutenants, the sergeant, and a
admiral looked rather nervous. "Can't you see? The bank is
slippery, and it is raining harder!!!!"
Taika rolled his eyes. "Don't
question me!!! I know what I'm doing!!!"
Meanwhile, back in the woods, a
Thermian was watching them. He looked just like Mathesar, except that
he had blue eyes, and his hair was shorter. He, too, was shorter. He
was Matinesar, Mathesar's twin brother. He was waiting for a chance to
slip through and warn the others. That chance was not coming.
And it was for a good reason.
Taika was in a bit of a quarrel with
his lieutenants. "The rain will not stop us!!!!" he shouted,
hoping the storm would blip it out.
"It should!" said Cailen.
"We can fight the Thermians again at another time!! It's too
"Yes!!!" yelped Falior.
"We will be wiped out by the river!!!
Taika stepped towards the river.
"Hah! We can fight them. This old river won't sto......." He
did not finish his sentence for he had misstepped and slipped in the
16: Second Chances
"Help!!!!!" he shouted, but
the river was rushing too fast for his crew to save him.
Matinesar saw Taika, and was then
becoming quite frightened and confused. "If no one helps
him," he thought, "then he will go under. Not too
good for a Fatu-Krey, and they usually will not live to fight another
day. But, if I save him, he may hurt me, my dear twin, and my
It was like staring at a scale. But he
knew what the right thing to do was.
He tied some long rope to Taliyen, his
ponyhopper, and jumped in!
Finding Taika, he picked him up and
whistled to Taliyen. The loyal ponyhoppper pulled them both to shore.
The uproar had woken all the Thermians
up, but not Taika. He was unconscious. They had gotten the Cadia, the
medic out, and she had said that the Thermian's enemy would be okay,
but if he had stayed longer in the river he might not have lived to
tell the tale.
Mathesar, looking sadly at Taika, asked
if they could find the one who saved Taika. "He or she must be
rewarded. It was only the right thing to do. We hardly know
Katiana emerged, with a man following
her. "I saw him. He is the one who pulled him out."
Seeing the man, Mathesar gave a yelp of
happiness and astonishment.
"Matinesar! It was you! I am happy
to see you again!!" He hugged his brother, then led him inside.
The next day, Taika woke up. Something
was strange; what was it? He remembered going into the water, then
being pulled out!!!! It couldn't be!
He started to cry. "If only it
clicked with me earlier! They should be friends, not enemies!!!"
Then he smiled.......and walked out of
the room to where the commander was.
Ever since that stormy night, Taika
would never be the same, and neither would the Fatu-Krey.
Taika's message that the Thermians were
not the enemy was passed everywhere, and a treaty was signed: the
Karinkma-Taika pact. Jason Nesmith, albeit being an actor wanted to
help his friends out. So, the Karinkma-Taika-Taggart, or KTT Coalition
was formed.
But is it over yet? No, because some
parts of Kreyin were not reached, and thus the Agent Watch was
Next in the Protector II fanfic series!