Effects |
Chris Armstrong
(III) |
animation supervisor |
Katharine Baird |
lead digital paint/rotoscope
artist |
Mat Beck |
visual effects
supervisor |
Anna Bies |
(uncredited) |
Don Bies |
chief modelmaker |
Kim Bromley (I) |
visual effects
producer - ILM |
Dawn Brooks
(II) |
Visual Effects
Production Assistant |
William J. Brooks |
digital effects
artist: ILM (as Billy Brooks) |
Ronn Brown
.... |
senior matte artist |
Geoff Campbell (I) |
digital model
supervisor |
Mario Capellari |
digital artist |
James Clyne |
concept designer |
Chris Crowell (I) |
digital compositor -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Fon Davis |
chief model maker
- ILM |
Sandy DellaMarie |
visual effects
coordinator - Pacific Title Digital |
Andrew Doucette
(II) |
animator |
Dusendschon .... |
in-show optical
process and effects compositor: THDX (uncredited) |
Raul Essig |
CG artist |
Stefen Fangmeier |
visual effects
co-supervisor |
Chris Flynn |
digital compositor -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Debbie Fought |
digital artist: ILM
(as Deborah Fought) |
Mark Freund |
visual effects
supervisor - Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Bill George (I) |
visual effects
co-supervisor |
visual effects
supervisor |
Brian Gernand |
model project
supervisor - ILM |
George Gervan |
digital roto artist -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Richard Gervan |
digital roto artist -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Dan B. Goldman |
computer graphics
supervisor |
Andrew 'Spanky'
Grant |
CG character animator |
Erik Grieve |
computer support |
Nelson Hall (I) |
modelmaker |
Michael J. Halsted |
lead matchmove artist |
Jason Hanel |
digital production
coordinator - Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Andrew Hardaway |
CG technical director:
Aaron Haye |
modelmaker: ILM |
Maureen Healy |
digital paint artist -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Geoff Heron (I) |
practical effects
supervisor: ILM |
Ivo Horvat |
matte painter - ILM |
Heather Hoyland |
digital compositor -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Ray Gilberti |
effects director of
photography (uncredited) |
Grant Imahara |
chief model maker |
Jiri Jacknowitz |
digital paint and roto
arist: ILM |
Samson Kao |
computer graphics
artist: ILM |
Rob A. Kelly |
assistant visual
effects coordinator |
Ken Satchel King |
character animator |
Marshall Richard
Krasser |
compositing supervisor
- ILM |
Jennifer Law-Stump |
digital effects artist
- Pacific Title Digital |
Michael Leben |
motion control
operator (uncredited) |
Mark Lefitz |
digital effects artist |
Janet Lewin |
associate visual
effects producer |
Matt Linder (I) |
digital compositor
Livingstone |
digital character
animator |
Ian McCamey |
editorial technical
assistant - ILM |
Rodney Montague |
visual effects
producer - Pacific Title Digital |
Amanda K.
Montgomery |
visual effects
production coordinator - ILM |
Michelle Motta |
technical assistant |
Aaron Muszalski |
digital rotoscope and
paint artist - ILM (uncredited) |
C. Andrew Nelson |
digital paint and
rotoscope artist |
David Parrish (I) |
digital artist |
Patrick Phillips |
digital compositor
-Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Bruce Powell |
digital artist |
Tony Preciado |
chief model maker -
Derek N. Prusak |
motion control operator (uncredited) |
Erich Rigling |
concept artist - ILM |
Rasha Shalaby |
digital compositor |
Dave Simmons |
digital compositor -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Robert Stadd |
visual effects
producer |
Sam Stewart (II) |
Visual Effects
Production Assistant |
Katrina Stovold |
digital plate
restoration - ILM |
Catherine Tate
(I) |
digital artist |
Kim Thompson (II) |
CG character animator:
Ryan Thompson (I) |
special visual effects
manager |
Lynn Tigar |
digital paint artist -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
Pat Turner (I) |
miniatures director of
photography |
Danny Wagner |
modelmaker - ILM |
R.D. Wegener |
3D camera matchmove
artist: ILM |
Jeff Wells |
digital compositor -
Pacific Title & Art Studio |
digital effects
artist: Pacific Title Digital |
Ka-Ping Yee |
software developer
(uncredited) |
Ken Ziegler |
digital effects artist |