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Never Give Up,
Never Surrender!
17, 2024 - Well,
it's certainly has been a while. No, I'm not dead, just
old. The other big question is, "So John, where have
you been?" By about 2005, most of the public
interest had faded away, as well as the bulk of the fan
participation, so it got really quiet. The Protector
blueprints did get completed, we'd started on a GQ
Technical manual, and some other sorts of fan
"extended universe" stuff, but people disappeared,
projects got shelved, and over time most of it got lost.
As for me, shortly after the last update in 2012, things
sort of went south, and kept going in that direction for
quite a while. When I started this, I was 36, just
starting a new job, active, and optimistic, 25 years
later, I'm 61, lost my job of 19+ after a major medical
issue... If you want to know an employer can game you out
a job on a technicality just ask... and after 5 years and
hundreds applications later, unemployed and struggling to
make ends meet...So ya, I haven't been in much of a mood
to do much lately
What's been happening with Galaxy Quest:
we were saddened by the passing of Alan Rickman, Robin
Sachs, as well as Daryl Mitchell injuries after his
motorcycle accident.
There's been an uptick in Galaxy Quest mentions, and
there's talk about a Galaxy Quest series on Paramount+,
but I haven't heard anything more the any of you.
What's Happening with the site?:
The Questarian is going to be around for a while.
I've well surpassed my initial goal of being around long
after the official site went 404, so now it's seeing if I
can continue what I had in mind 10 years ago.
I've dropped the Webring stuff because it's totally dead.
After several host
changes, and any number of service upgrades, half the site
doesn't work. I'll be working to, yet again, try
getting it all up again. When I started the site, I
had a monster issue with files being cross-linked, so I
work controls to stop it. Over the years,
hosting service updates broke the code, and I've fixed it
a dozen times, so I've got to redo that, and then see if
there's a better way.
I want to try sparking some fan conversation and
interaction so I will be opening up the forums at some
points, and I've started to create a group on Facebook,
and maybe Reddit.
The site email got
clobbered some time ago... and it's still being
difficult... so I hope to get that working again soon.