Site News: |
Rumors: 8/31/2001
- DREAMWORKS RENEWS GALAXYQUEST.COM DOMAIN! Reports in July of 2000 indicated a possible sequel in the very early planning stages. Have
any interesting Rumors you'd like to share? Send them to:
- Well, I've talked about it forever, but I've
finally got the Surface Scanner
Blueprints off to a good start! 12/27/2001
- I've done some updates to the Trivia,
bios and cool
stuff pages. If you're a Galaxy Quest fan, check out the The
Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space site. "Captain
Zoom" was a 1995 pilot for a series about a 1953 "Captain
Video" style sci-fi series actor that get mistaken for a real hero
and transported to a distant planet to help battle a evil tyrant... Hmm,
that sounds vaguely familiar :) 11/9/2001
- Site was down the last couple days
(technical problems) If you're in the Western Mass / North Western
Connecticut area join us at United Fan Con 11! Look for our fliers
on the freebie / info table :) 11/4/2001
- Well I've had enough of the falling leaves java app for one
season.:) Since it's been really quiet on the GQ front the last several
months I'm been thinking of evolving the Questarian in a number of new
directions. Not to worry, the primary focus of the main site will
always be Galaxy Quest fandom. One of the things I'm considering,
if I can drum up enough interest, is branching part of the Questarian
into a General Sci-Fi & Fantasy Fan club for Western
Massachusetts/New England. If anyone's interested please contact In a effort to boost site
traffic, I've linked The Questarian with a number of additional WebRings!
Check out the WebRing Links
Page! 10/30/2001
- Nothing quite like fall in New England! I've been playing
around and testing some java applets :) Coming up in about a
week and a half is United Fan Con 11 If you're in Western Mass
Join us! 10/22/2001
- I apologies for the site being down most of the day...
Unfortunately my hosting company "forgot" that I renewed my
account 2 months ago... Ack! I'm trying something a bit different with the selector
buttons. I've created some new animated mouse over buttons... (The mouse
over function in MS FrontPage 2000 sucks!.. Kept crashing in Netscape!
so I had to hand code it).. Will be trying several variations over
time. 10/21/2001
- I did some updates to the Props pages...
Still needs a lot of work.. and I've added some new references to the Ion
Nebulizer Blueprint pages. Because I'm so hooked on DVD's I'll
be starting up a "Sci-Fi & Fantasy" review page... I
pulled the "Fan Review" topic from the GQ
Forurm page because it, like the rest of the forum, was dead.
If anyone wants to add to the reviews, I'll setup as submit address :)
I've set the "GC Comm Channels" button to go directly into the
forum area... I'd been
toying with setting up a live GQ chat area but the traffic in the forums
has been too slow to justify the effort. 10/18/2001
- I'm going start a major revamp of the Galaxy Quest
Prop pages this weekend. WebRing has
split off from Yahoo and is once again independent... Which so far
that's been a good thing, but only time will tell :) 10/14/2001
- I'm working on a number of new items, for a start, I've put
up 4 new GQ icons in the multimedia
area. More on the way! 10/02/2001
- Since last time I've updated the cast
Bios and the Cool Stuff page, added a new
"To see if there's a pub" wav (pub.wav)
and stared making new Galaxy Quest icons including ones similar to those
on Brandon's computer in the film... Will post them when I have about a
dozen completed. 09/27/2001
- I've been preoccupied with the 9.11 tragedy the last several
weeks and though it was time to try getting back to the some
semblance of normal. I've added a page of 9.11 links and if you interested
in using the ribbon, it can be obtained at http://people.bu.edu/xrpnt/ribbons/ We're very close to
releasing the Protector CAD's, perhaps another month and they'll be
ready. I'm going to try working on more GQ graphics, Icons,
buttons, and Themes this weekend... and to the gentleman looking for the
"Pub" wave, I haven't forgot... I'll be putting that up as
well :) Also, I'm trying to get off my butt and get the
Surface Scanner prints started. 09/01/2001
- Some minor hopeful news... DreamWorks has
recently renewed registration on the www.galaxyquest.com
domain for another year! While this doesn't
exactly scream sequel, it still encouraging! 08/26/2001
- I thought that a little teaser for all for all those patient
blueprint fans might be fun, so check out the sneak preview of the new Protector
cad prints! With September comes the next round of major site
updates! 08/06/2001
- Well, the summer's going by fast and I'm starting to think about
new things to bring to the site. Besides continuing work on the
blueprints, the next big thing beginning later this fall is the
"Galaxy Quest Retro Project"... Where we actually begin to
flesh out the fictional reality of Galaxy Quest! To borrow a
line from Max Headroom: "making tomorrow seem like
yesterday" :) Stay tuned for details! 07/31/2001
- Fan's of Missi Pyle (AKA Laliari / Jane Doe) will
be happy to learn that she will be appearing as a regular on the
new ABC series "The
Wayne Brady Show" which Premieres Wednesday, August
8, 8 & 8:30 EST /7 & 7:30 Central ! 07/11/2001
- Some real progress is being make on the Protector
CAD prints! 07/04/2001
- A couple minor updates to the Protector
blueprint, and Other
Fan Site Pages. 06/07/2001
- I've started a new "Other
Fan Sites" page! To try something different
I'm working up a number of review and editorial pages... If
anybody would like to submit something (see FAQ
for submission info) email submit.
I corrected a number of image URL errors that my site editor
caused on several pages and have done some minor updates on the
Cool stuff and FAQ pages. 05/23/2001
- Even if you can't read Japanese you'll want to check out Ren
Kishida's Galaxy Quest Fan Site This is a new and
growing site and there are some fantastic GQ cartoon
illustrations! 05/10/2001
- Nothing big happing this weeks...I'll be updating the
blueprints some time this weekend 04/21/2001
- I've done a bit more refining of the shuttle
blueprints side and top views. FAQ
and Cast Bios updated. I'm
working an new stuff and, time permitting, will try to does
several updates during the week. 04-09-2001:
I've update the Ion Nebulizer
blueprints and added a new shuttle
page to the Blueprint Project! 03-22-2001:
Nothing exciting... just some corrections to the sound codec
page and fixes to the main page header graphics... more this
weekend. 03-16-2001:
Check out the new Galaxy Quest Font
page in the Multimedia area! 03-12-2001:
I found a reference on www.movie.com
about an upcoming (2002) movie titled "Star Child": A
socially inept CIA agent (possibly Tim Allen) tries to help an
alien return to space. Subsequently, the agent ends up in the
middle of an intergalactic war. This is NOT
the Sequel to Galaxy Quest... but boy, it sure sounds familiar
don't it? 03-08-2001:
I've added a list and links where possible of upcoming films
which feature GQ cast members to the bottom of the main
page. I've also reloaded the Questarian Forums and
will be working to customize them next weekend... So let's not
all rush in a once! (See Sarcasm :) I've also moved
the eBay search link to the For Sale
page. 03-06-2001:
Another Snow Day!... This time with Snow :)
I'm working on the site (again) and trying to think up new
things to add :) 03-05-2001:
Bonus Snow Day in New England! ... Minus the Snow!
If I'm lucky it's rehearsal for the HUGE storm they predicted
for today/tomorrow... But then as they say, when have weathermen
been able to predict the weather? :) I've updated
the cast bios, databank and link pages... Check out the Galaxy
Quest Story Board Samples at Famous Frames! There's also a
few other small GQ
Storyboard samples on IMDB. 03-01-2001:
It's been a slow month...I've done some minor site updates and
the CAD work continues. Time permitting I hope to have the
first set of CAD Protector Prints done by the end of the month. 02-18-2001:
Well, the site passed the 10,000 unique visitor (base on IP)
mark! The new forum area is pretty quiet... which is not a
huge surprise being that the old forum area was just a slow
:) Work continues on the new CAD blueprints, and I'll be
working on the site more this weekend :) 02-08-2001:
I've worked in some minor updates... that and dug out from 23
inch of snow :) I've also added a link to Mars
by Stealth, and online sci-fi comedy adventure by Peter
Rasmussen. 01-28-2001:
I'm reworking the GQ forum and have created a new GQ
Comm Channels page! Check out the neat page where a
number of GQ fans are working on putting together a Galaxy
Quest EliteForces Mod! 01-21-2001:
I'm starting to play with CGI scripting on the site... the first
attempt being the random banner image at the top of the main
page! I'll also be creating a new better Galaxy Quest
forums over the next week or so (halfway there now) I've
added 1 new wallpaper
and several new fan pics!
Work on the blueprints continues. 01-12-2001:
I'll be posting some updates this weekend, and possibly some
Nebulizer updates and the beginnings of the Shuttle Blueprint
pages by Monday Night |
f you have any Galaxy Quest News Items you'd like to related feel free to email Galaxy Quest |